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do you avoid conflicts?
I avoid conflicts but not always lose 41%  41%  [ 15 ]
I dont avoid conflicts, but often lose 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I avoid and usually lose in conflicts 54%  54%  [ 20 ]
I'm like most people 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I'm better than most 5%  5%  [ 2 ]
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31 Mar 2015, 8:16 am

do you find conflicts with people such as an argument and demanding quiet from noisy neighbors difficult? do you feel as if someone else always end up having the upper hand? do you try hard to avoid conflict?

I never know what to say, and I have to struggle real hard not to let people walk all over me. I dont really know how the stop them. I just dont know the way.

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31 Mar 2015, 8:19 am

I hate drama or conflict of any sort and usually slink away from any of it. But when my neighbour was playing her music way too loud, I went over knocked on her door and asked "how come you didn't invite me to your party?" Turned out she was only cleaning to her music and she happily turned it down because I started with a cute joke.


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31 Mar 2015, 8:44 am

MollyTroubletail wrote:
I hate drama or conflict of any sort and usually slink away from any of it. But when my neighbour was playing her music way too loud, I went over knocked on her door and asked "how come you didn't invite me to your party?" Turned out she was only cleaning to her music and she happily turned it down because I started with a cute joke.

maybe I should try that...

Blogging about childhood and adulthood with Asperger and my own personl experience with rage attacks, shutdowns, social phobias etc.


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31 Mar 2015, 10:12 am

I avoid it if possible, but I don't feel like I have a problem with it. I convinced an instructor to change the grading on a quiz once and got an extra point that left me with an A instead of a B.


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31 Mar 2015, 10:43 am

felinesaresuperior wrote:
I never know what to say, and I have to struggle real hard not to let people walk all over me. I dont really know how the stop them. I just dont know the way.

I'm like that, too. I get too nervous and can't talk properly. I mean I'm nervous even just talking to people in non-conflict situations. It's impossible to talk in a conflict.

I usually don't get into direct conflicts although I get a lot of passive aggressive treatment. Because I'm very serious/weird/creepy, people seem to be a bit scared of me.


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31 Mar 2015, 11:12 am

I hate conflict and avoid it. It's very hard to confront someone.

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31 Mar 2015, 11:36 am

I usually don't get into direct conflicts although I get a lot of passive aggressive treatment. Because I'm very serious/weird/creepy, people seem to be a bit scared of me.

I understand. My son's friends were generally terrified of me until they hung around enough to realize that no, I won't bite their heads off, and yes, I do have a twisted sense of humor once you get to know me. But the aloof/no eye contact/ straightforward no-nonsense approach is sort of a defense mechanism. I don't have much sense of who is "safe" or approachable, so I don't leave much opportunity to be approached.

I got beaten up pretty much daily growing up - either by my sadistic oldest sister or by the kids at school, until I was about 13. My coordination was abysmal and I was an easy target. The kids knew all my triggers- from tossing stinging insects in my hair (I am still not comfortable with flying insects, and I am really paranoid about strange stuff in my hair or people touching my hair) to taking my stuff, and when I get emotional- especially when I'm angry- I become completely powerless. The incessant bullying only ended when somehow I ended up with a few very big friends who liked to fight, and I learned they really liked fighting in my defense when they realized I could score them cigarettes.

Since high school I find that I intimidate a lot of people and it's not necessarily intentional, it's just that I don't warm up to people quickly (if at all.) When I do make friends, it takes me a very long time to get beyond just superficial pleasantries. I probably appear to be very cold and calculated most of the time, and I pretty much need to be that way so that I can think and communicate clearly.

Even so, I loathe conflict and generally won't pursue trivial aggravations. I don't like to negotiate anything or argue about anything because it just is mentally and emotionally draining. Most of the time even when I do have a solid argument and my rants are justified, I still end up losing the argument because I lose whatever eloquence I thought I had if I get emotional about anything.

If I could get my rational mind to engage when I'm overwhelmed with emotions I could possibly get somewhere- but Mind does not work when Emotions are in play. It just doesn't happen- so I avoid conflict mostly because I'm not adept at it, and because I generally lose anyway. That part of the way I'm wired really sucks. :heart: :skull:

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31 Mar 2015, 12:13 pm

MollyTroubletail wrote:
I hate drama or conflict of any sort and usually slink away from any of it. But when my neighbour was playing her music way too loud, I went over knocked on her door and asked "how come you didn't invite me to your party?" Turned out she was only cleaning to her music and she happily turned it down because I started with a cute joke.

That works fine if you know your neighbor and have some level of social relationship with them prior to the problem arising. However, with neighbors you don't know and who don't know you it can sound sarcastic.

I can barely say hello to my neighbors and they are the most thoughtless, insensitive louts you could ever get stuck living near. They blast their music all night long on weekends, so loud it makes my ceiling vibrate like the head of a drum, and when I went to the management to complain, I specifically asked her to handle it without turning it into a feud, but of course, childish trash being what they are, that's all it has become and the situation is not resolved. Those with social skills band together to lie and cover for each other and the autistic becomes the scapegoat they all spit on.

It doesn't matter who's right - when you can't process fast enough to verbally fence, it matters not that you have the sharper sword. You're going to get brutalized and beaten down. The only way your point will even get heard is if you intimidate them with the violence of your reaction, and of course, that still makes you the bad guy. Lose-lose.


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31 Mar 2015, 3:20 pm

I did not know how to answer your poll.

I tend to avoid conflict with people I value as human beings. I cannot stand discord in my environment and or my mind and as a result, often end up being walked on to avoid potentially causing some kind of upset. I rarely even know if I am in the right or wrong in these situations anyway. I suck at gauging that sort of thing. Even if I truly believe that I am in the right, I still have no idea how to go about having a talk with whoever. Thinking about the potential upset it could cause is enough to make me hide for a few days.

That said...

Other times I just blow up. I have been known to go ballistic on people, going from zero to one thousand in less than a second. At that point I win due to me being a psycho. Apparently I can be a bit scary and intimidating.

It would be nice to be able to handle conflict in a productive and assertive way while still being a sane and rational person. I never have figured out how people do that.

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31 Mar 2015, 3:46 pm

Conflict is terrifying.


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31 Mar 2015, 10:31 pm

My emotions build up in me so fast. I get very "hot" physically, partly due to the energy needed to contain myself. It doesn't matter what the emotion is - could be nerves, embarrassment, angry, etc.

I try to avoid conflict because I don't want to "lose it" in any way, either by crying or yelling.

With most people, I don't find it worth it to risk expressing what's bothering me.


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31 Mar 2015, 10:35 pm

I am trying to stop avoiding conflicts because I know the damage it has done. Not an easy thing to do.

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31 Mar 2015, 11:51 pm

A few weeks ago my parents' neighbor (who thinks they did something to them (but didn't) that cost them a lot of money) was getting aggressive with my 75 y.o. mother in her driveway. (This is after weeks of other escalating crap.)

When she came in and told me that I basically blew a gasket. With the help of various psych meds I actually managed a half-decent, loud, profanity-laced verbal exchange that I think scared the guy even worse than I realized at the time. I can lock eye contact if I'm extremely angry and I'm a lot bigger than he is, which probably also helped. There might've been a little flashing back, as well. It's interesting being on the scary rather than scared side for once. I almost feel bad, but I know from experience not to give an inch. It's sad, but power is the only thing people really respect.

This is totally the exception, though. Like Willard said, slow verbal processing and a lack of social capital means being on the losing end of such things most of the time, at least IME.

And, I hate conflict and fighting. People can be such jerks, though. They'll use that like a weapon against you. Accumulated rage seems to make up for it a bit, though.


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31 Mar 2015, 11:54 pm

there are a few people who have upon seeing me take an instant and visceral dislike of me, and let me know it in no uncertain terms, and I just am like a deer in the headlights in those situations. that is why I'm a hermit.


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01 Apr 2015, 1:01 am

I avoid them. But if I got myself into it, that varies. If accidentally, I will ditch it because it has nothing to do with me. If it's really a problem that I got myself into, I would deal with it with reason. If reason doesn't work, I will leave them.

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01 Apr 2015, 7:03 am

I like to argue and never avoided conflicts. Most of the time I don't hold strong opinions, but would argue just for its sake. :) Although once I find out the person I argue with is totally unreasonable I usually just walk away. They tend to repeat over and over whatever they said already which didn't make sense and hold onto their views.

My parents and brother and a couple of my friends are all argumentive. So it's either genetic or I'm just well practiced. My parents are the toughest hagglers I know and have achieve things when all odds are against them. My brother and I have no common interest, so all the "good times" with him involve arguing, teasing and just laughing at each other. I rarely get angry or emotional during conflicts, which means I can keep going for a long time, though if the other party seems close to "losing it" I back away and let them calm down. I don't ever swear so that helps with not ticking people off too quickly. It's really just like normal communications, stay cool and polite and reasonable, and your chance of winning the argument is quite good.

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