Does anyone else get tired of keeping your mouth?

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Pileated woodpecker
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24 Jul 2014, 5:26 pm

I pretty much keep to myself, but do enjoy some socializing, but the price always seems to be that I can't say anything. Neurotypicals are SO sensitive and childish that if you say anything they don't like, they have a fit, but they can say all kinds of nasty insensitive stuff to us and we're supposed to just take it.
It's like being suffocated; every so often I just loose it and tell someone what I think - the truth, but then I'm the "bad person."

Anyone else stuck with this frustration?


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24 Jul 2014, 5:39 pm

gonewild wrote:
I pretty much keep to myself, but do enjoy some socializing, but the price always seems to be that I can't say anything. Neurotypicals are SO sensitive and childish that if you say anything they don't like, they have a fit, but they can say all kinds of nasty insensitive stuff to us and we're supposed to just take it.
It's like being suffocated; every so often I just loose it and tell someone what I think - the truth, but then I'm the "bad person."

Anyone else stuck with this frustration?

Nobody likes to keep their mouth shut, that's the main cause of 'small talk.'
You give a classic rundown of the majority attitude of, "Do what I say, not what I do."

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24 Jul 2014, 6:14 pm

gonewild wrote:
Anyone else stuck with this frustration?

Yes, but I think oversensitivity and immaturity is a people thing, probably due to certain personality types, not an NT thing. There is some immaturity and oversensitivity on this forum, for example.


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24 Jul 2014, 6:43 pm

I am definitely extremely sensitive and immature.

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24 Jul 2014, 6:58 pm

So, so tired. There is some unspoken rule that small talk must be upkept for social/entertainment purposes. It is such a relief when I can just be alone.


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24 Jul 2014, 7:54 pm

I know how you fell. I had a lot of times where i wanted to say something but was too scared to end up hurting someone without noticing.

skibum wrote:
I am definitely extremely sensitive and immature.

Well, for me, being aware that you are immature is a sign of maturity. Probably doesn't make much sense but that's what i think.


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24 Jul 2014, 11:41 pm

skibum wrote:
I am definitely extremely sensitive and immature.

The same thing goes for me as well.

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25 Jul 2014, 12:21 pm

It's called double standards.



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25 Jul 2014, 1:19 pm

Joe90 wrote:
It's called double standards.

Pretty much this. It's acceptable to act like a jerk to the Other/disabled people/etc., but not the other way around.


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26 Jul 2014, 5:11 am

I often keep my mouth shut outside of my family and in places like school so my classmates and teachers are often surprised if they hear me speak (I have gone whole days in school without speaking at all). Socialising exhausts me a lot and communicating orally also makes it more difficult for me as I'm deaf in both ears too and I'm guaranteed to not hear or mishear people completely in conversation. So I don't mind not having to speak for long periods of time.

But when I did speak in secondary school (I went to a mainstream secondary school) it was sometimes to hit back at another classmate who'd lashed out at me. I had a couple of classmates who would take the piss out of my Asperger's and try to force me to speak to them when they knew that I couldn't. I think they expected me to stand there and take it. And when I lashed out at them for insulting me they would get unbelievably pissed off and have a fit about my remarks back to them, and then go round telling everyone about how rude I was to them. Not to mention one of my teachers who used to try to force me to speak in front of classmates and threaten me with phone calls home if I didn't speak up, and he knew that I can't speak in certain situations (I'm not selective mute). I eventually lost it with him and told him how much I hated him and how he made my life at school a living hell in front of a couple of other teachers. He got so angry and literally stormed out of the classroom. He retired about a week after that...

I got so frustrated in secondary school. But I'm very sensitive and immature too to the point where I get frustrated if my younger brother makes fun of me and goads me into lashing out at him. It's too easy to wind me up and my brother can easily shrug teasing off but I can't and will explode if teased too much.


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26 Jul 2014, 6:32 am

Does anyone else get tired of keeping your mouth [shut] ?

my mouth is naturally shut most of the time. the only time it is not shut is when i am talking, but that does not happen often.
the maxillary and mandibular muscles i have in my face are at peace with each other, and i find no difficulty in maintaining an expressionless and closed mouth state.

if i lived on a planet with a great deal of gravity, then i may have trouble keeping my mouth shut, but on earth it is easy.


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26 Jul 2014, 5:16 pm

I used to keep my mouth shut all the time and I was fine with that. It was other people who weren't fine with it. If you don't speak, people automatically think there's something wrong with you. So I tried to speak more but I always got into trouble for the things I said because:

1. It's taken the wrong way
2. What I want to speak about is usually irrelevant to the discussion
3. I speak out of turn/over the top of other people
4. I can't start/end or maintain a conversation
5. I have no interest in "how people are" or "what their children are doing these days" (Is that bad?)

In short, I was better off staying silent.
The moral of the story is: Don't let people pressure you into doing things that aren't right for you. If you actually feel the need to speak to someone, find someone else who doesn't speak. That way if you stuff it up they're not going to be telling everyone about it.


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26 Jul 2014, 5:25 pm

I'm usually impossible to shut up, especially if you piss me off. :lol:

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26 Jul 2014, 6:51 pm

I don't even care anymore. ...If at a family reunion: these beans are really dry, I'll just flat out say it. I won't try to make a scene. but there's no way I'm keeping my mouth shut. I don't understand what the big deal is! Especially if they asked you how the food was, why lie? Because if I don't say it, nobody else will. Letting it out just feel good, as long as I don't go crazy with it. Same applies when I make something that I know didn't turn out right and they lie. it's annoying!

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26 Jul 2014, 7:39 pm

I have to try really hard to not say what I really want. I think it's what makes working with customers so frustrating because I'm not allowed to tell them they're idiots. I hate it. I end up either not saying anything or being super polite, while being internally frustrated because I don't know how to deal with angry/stupid people.


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27 Jul 2014, 4:53 pm

I don't get tired of keeping my mouth shut, as much as I just get tired of hearing other people talk.

The times I really hate keeping my mouth shut, is when people go on and on about politics or world events, or some celebrity BS, and it's obvious that they just believe whatever they see and hear in the media.