Love, Misogyny, Imdividualism and Competition

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29 Aug 2014, 7:08 pm

When we have a society(s) based upon hustling and competition; love, togetherness and cooperation go out the window. Without that deep profound love and interconnectedness for one another then everything stays in the realm of the physical and the sensate and not the spirit and transcendent. This means a certain group of people will be objectified and commodified by the more dominant group. This is why we have feminism today. Part of this competitive way of life in which feminists call misogyny and patriarchy is extreme individualism and the hustler mentality.

Based upon some of what feminists say on various forums and user comments they still cling to the idea of this individualism and that we're all separate and independent. This is a patriarchal concept that some of them seem to cling to for whatever reason. I don't agree with this. I think we as people are born as social animals. We need each other and we need that profound interconnectedness to each other.

Imagine a society in which it was not only convenient to help others but business took a back seat to uplifting others. Love is the answer.


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29 Aug 2014, 7:37 pm

I agree with you. Unfortunately, even some feminists are too firmly embedded in their culture.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Aug 2014, 1:46 am

Well, to be honest, I'm not very fond of people, mostly.
I'd be content all alone with a never ending stream of books, my oldest and dearest friends.
A society driven by love instead of business.....I like the idea, i admit, but such a society would crumble from its own hubris if it were to face a society of brutality. The brutality would systematically destroy a society of love and hope; eithet destroying it ot warping it.


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31 Aug 2014, 2:56 am

This is a patriarchal concept that some of them seem to cling to for whatever reason.

Unelaborated logical leap. You set out a premise then fail to justify it.

Pray tell, why is individualism necessarily a patriarchal concept?

Feminism is about of lot of things, there is not a single form of feminism, but broadly speaking it about choice and options.


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31 Aug 2014, 3:08 am

Basically you are making a tenuous link between the concept the individualism vs. cooperation compared to Feminism compared to your own romantic interest. The point is not a strong one at all.

Females are individuals in the sense they have individual personalities and their views on individualism vary. This no different from feminists.

Plenty of feminist promote cooperation. This doesn't counter-indicate feminism in the slightest. Why would it?

Love is not selfless, this is a romantic notion which doesn't marry with functional data of the brain. However in has the potential to be harmless done right.

Yes of course we are social animals and we cooperate, but we also have individual needs, it is not one or the other. It is not real cooperation without reward. This is down to the individual.

There I made an actual link.


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31 Aug 2014, 10:11 am

Unelaborated logical leap. You set out a premise then fail to justify it

Pray tell, why is individualism necessarily a patriarchal concept?

Feminism is about of lot of things, there is not a single form of feminism, but broadly speaking it about choice and options.

Where did individualism come from?

Love is not selfless, this is a romantic notion which doesn't marry with functional data of the brain. However in has the potential to be harmless done right

To me, we're more than just the body and the mind. To me, we're not just sensate beings but transcendent beings with a soul. American society has all of this great wealth, scientific achievement and technology but what good is it if the society has lost its' soul? What good is life if we're nothing but systematic biological functions, chemical reactions and electrical impulses in the brain? To reduce ourselves and limit ourselves to the empirical is to deny a part of who we are as human beings.

More than likely you will ask me to prove that people have a soul and the soul exists. Well, some things are not provable. I just simply know and simply just feel it.

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02 Sep 2014, 5:32 pm

In today's society, people are free to compete or cooperate; most do both in different situations. In my opinion people are not slaves to each other, and I take offence at any attempt to force them not to be individualistic.

I don't see the supposed link between individualism vs. cooperation and men ('patriarchy') vs. women; it sounds like a red herring to me. I had a Chewbacca defense feeling when reading the post.

Maths student. Somewhere between NT and ASD.


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02 Sep 2014, 8:49 pm

That's some expertly convoluted nonsense you got there, Cubedemon. Nice Job!

You know it's deep and intelligent when you're the only one who understands it......... :wink:


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03 Sep 2014, 12:32 am

0_equals_true wrote:
Pray tell, why is individualism necessarily a patriarchal concept?

Why not instead ask what's so great about individualism?

Feminism is about of lot of things, there is not a single form of feminism, but broadly speaking it about choice and options.

We have more choice and options than ever, but are we really living better? Really? Is that all there is to life? Choice and options?


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03 Sep 2014, 12:51 am

Geekonychus wrote:
That's some expertly convoluted nonsense you got there, Cubedemon. Nice Job!

You know it's deep and intelligent when you're the only one who understands it......... :wink:

Speak for yourself, Mr. more down to earth than thou. Anyone can shoot something they don't understand down with sarcasm. It's a lot easier than having to think. Stop trying to act "cool" and be honest once in a while. Maybe then you'll get it. Or keep right on being a stupid dick. Your choice.


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03 Sep 2014, 7:52 am

marshall wrote:
Geekonychus wrote:
That's some expertly convoluted nonsense you got there, Cubedemon. Nice Job!

You know it's deep and intelligent when you're the only one who understands it......... :wink:

Speak for yourself, Mr. more down to earth than thou. Anyone can shoot something they don't understand down with sarcasm. It's a lot easier than having to think. Stop trying to act "cool" and be honest once in a while. Maybe then you'll get it. Or keep right on being a stupid dick. Your choice.

I'd rather be a stupid dick than actually believe this drivel. Female independence is not the root cause of society's ills. His arguments are based around his agenda rather than actual logic.

cubedemon6073 wrote:
Imagine a society in which it was not only convenient to help others but business took a back seat to uplifting others. Love is the answer.

You're just spreading your hate and calling it love.

I suppose western society was a utopia before all those women folk got uppity and ruined it for everyone............. :roll:


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03 Sep 2014, 9:05 am

1024 wrote:
In today's society, people are free to compete or cooperate; most do both in different situations. In my opinion people are not slaves to each other, and I take offence at any attempt to force them not to be individualistic.

I don't see the supposed link between individualism vs. cooperation and men ('patriarchy') vs. women; it sounds like a red herring to me. I had a Chewbacca defense feeling when reading the post.

What is the extent of our freedom? You state we're free to compete or cooperate. We're free to do so as to how the culture dictates. It is true that we're free in the legal sense but in the social sense we're only free to conform. Legally, we don't have but socially is a different can of worms altogether.

Can "We The People" have an impact on Freedom as well? If one disagrees with certain aspects of American culture can one expect to succeed socially in it? Can one publically disagree with one's boss or the corporate culture in the social sense? Most people would tell me to like it or leave it. First, I will refer you to the song called Hotel California by The Eagles. It applies to leaving the USA. Second, why are my choices restricted to that?

Truth: One is free as much as the culture allows in addition to the government.

Am I free to question the tenets of American ideas and culture in the social context or will I be called un-American and will others bar me from employment? Same with free enterprise and how it is done now? If I state anything negative or reject certain tenets of positivity will I inherently and metaphorically be signing my death warrant if I say this allowed? Would it be appropriate to state anything that goes against the American cultural orthodoxy? What would happen if I put my real name out there and did this?

Can I know thyself be true and if I cannot then how I am free?

And, Roberty Bellah wrote concluded that America has a civic religion.

Am I free to question the beliefs and tenets of this civil religion in public discourse and do I reduce my chances of being hired and increase my chances of being ostracized? One of the beliefs in America's civil religion is Emerson's Self-Reliance. Is it ever socially appropriate to ever question or challenge this?

Last edited by cubedemon6073 on 03 Sep 2014, 10:43 am, edited 2 times in total.


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03 Sep 2014, 9:07 am

Geekonychus wrote:
That's some expertly convoluted nonsense you got there, Cubedemon. Nice Job!

You know it's deep and intelligent when you're the only one who understands it......... :wink:

Why don't you tell me what you don't grasp about it?


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03 Sep 2014, 9:15 am

I'd rather be a stupid dick than actually believe this drivel. Female independence is not the root cause of society's ills. His arguments are based around his agenda rather than actual logic.

Actually, I'm talking about the idea of independence. What I am talking about is the attitude of "f**k You, I'm getting mine." That's what I mean.

You're just spreading your hate and calling it love.

I suppose western society was a utopia before all those women folk got uppity and ruined it for everyone............. :roll:

I don't even grasp how you drew out what you drew out based upon what I said.

This is one anecdotal example of what I'm talking about. Do you not see what is wrong with what this woman is saying?

https://whyifailedinamerica1.wordpress. ... l-example/

Do you not see what is wrong this picture? There are a lot of other women and men who are like this from my personal experience? This is the individualism that I'm talking about.


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03 Sep 2014, 10:40 am

cubedemon6073 wrote:
I'd rather be a stupid dick than actually believe this drivel. Female independence is not the root cause of society's ills. His arguments are based around his agenda rather than actual logic.

Actually, I'm talking about the idea of independence. What I am talking about is the attitude of "f**k You, I'm getting mine." That's what I mean.

You're just spreading your hate and calling it love.

I suppose western society was a utopia before all those women folk got uppity and ruined it for everyone............. :roll:

I don't even grasp how you drew out what you drew out based upon what I said.

This is one anecdotal example of what I'm talking about. Do you not see what is wrong with what this woman is saying?

https://whyifailedinamerica1.wordpress. ... l-example/

Do you not see what is wrong this picture? There are a lot of other women and men who are like this from my personal experience? This is the individualism that I'm talking about.

If that's actually how you feel than you should be able to make that argument genderneutral. Instead you always seem to just focus on women as the targets of your ire (in nearly every thread i've seen you post in.) So you believe that Scarlett O?Hara (a completely fictional character, btw) deserves scorn and ire because she was tough enough to succeed professionally in a time and place when everything was stacked against her purely based on her sex? Again, you say both men and women do this, but you reserve your ire for strong female characters (and the bloggers who admire them.)

Of course people take advantage of each other but thats human nature and has been going on for our entire history. Women aren't any more or less likely to take advantage of others than men (up untill the 20th century, few even had any true power to wield in the first place.) Not to mention the fundemental fact that love/togetherness and independence are not mutualy exclusive. We have things like taxes and welfare to help support each other as a society and even strong independent and professionally driven people are capable of being loving, supportive and charitable.

Forgive me if I'm incorrect, but this whole thread sounds like more "red pill"' silliness. Take any issue and twist it to make it fit your reactionary agenda then dress it up by calling it "logic." It's not true logic if it requires several patantly false and sexist assumptions (as well as a completely black and white thinking) in order for it to make any sense.


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03 Sep 2014, 10:50 am


Where did individualism come from?

Our evolved brains? Upbringing? Democracy? Certainly not patriarchy because gender roles dictate how a person should act and do based on gender.

Even cats have personalities.