More evidence of our cravenness and hypocrisy

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24 May 2015, 3:47 pm

Even the supposedly iconoclastic LGBT movement is showing its willingness to align itself with power:

A family meant to be watched has to be kept in line, though. Opinion, gossip, the prurient side of publicity are enforcers of conformity. They punish the recalcitrant, the outliers. (It’s no coincidence that some of the most prominent gay men in America today – Michelangelo Signorile, Michael Musto, Perez Hilton – started as or still are gossip columnists.) But beyond chastisement by headline lie more brutal forms of power. Families in the US are zones of correction. They’re less and less private, more and more subject to surveillance, more and more ruthlessly criminalized when they go wrong. The law forces “deviant” famlies to conform. And childhood is no refuge from the law. To the contrary: get ‘em while they’re young. The US has more of its youth in jails and prisons than any other country in the world.


When gay activists rage against the Duggars and demand draconian punishments for childhood fondling, they aren’t just taking revenge for the hate the Duggars aimed at them. There’s schadenfraude, but there’s something more. Everyone should, of course, have deep concern for Josh Duggar’s alleged victims. That doesn’t require relying on the prison-industrial complex to right the wrongs. The gays are putting themselves on the side of power as it works in the US today: on the side of the jailers, the side of privacy invaded, on the side of moral panic and against its victims.

There are plenty of reminders out there of how rumor and panic coupled with police power can destroy people, Just last week, a Texas appeals court finally overturned the convictions of Dan and Fran Keller. The couple were victims of the Satanic ritual-abuse panic of the 1980s, a witchhunt that saw hundreds jailed on charges ranging from ludicrous to insane. Terrified parents and eager police induced children at the Kellers’ day care center to tell stories of “videotaped orgies, of murder and dismemberment by chainsaw, of cats and dogs tortured and killed, of shark-filled swimming pools and a mutilated gorilla in Zilker Park, of corpses dug up and desecrated … of blood-soaked satanic rituals and of day flights to Mexico, where soldiers molested them before they were flown back to Austin in time to be picked up by their parents from the Kellers’ day care.” In 1992, they were sentenced to 48 years in prison. They served 21. They were finally freed in 2013, when the only physical evidence against them collapsed: an emergency room doctor untrained in pediatric forensics recanted, admitting that the signs of sexual abuse he’d supposedly seen on a girl’s body were actually normal variations. Voiding their convictions, the appeals court still refused to find them innocent. The Kellers, now in their 70s, remain under a permanent stain. ... he-police/

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27 May 2015, 3:41 am

it seems witch hunting is still with us, unchanged in essential form, from colonial days.


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02 Jun 2015, 7:26 am

I blame Josh Duggar's parents more than him, tbh. They were the ones who created that dysfunctional and sick environment in the first place.


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02 Jun 2015, 8:25 am

I have no sympathy for Duggar. His actions are his fault, and his alone.

Blaming his parents for his actions is like blaming Alex for what gets posted on WP.


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02 Jun 2015, 8:54 am

Fnord wrote:
I have no sympathy for Duggar. His actions are his fault, and his alone.

Blaming his parents for his actions is like blaming Alex for what gets posted on WP.

Nice false analogy. Alex merely facilitates a forum where we can express our ideas-- that's completely different than parenting. Fact is, the Duggars created an environment to raise kids that has little supervision and guidance outside the "good" book, much less guidance than what is actually needed in a society growing ever more complex. A more appropriate analogy is Plato's cave-- how's he supposed to know right (light) from wrong (darkness of the cave) when he's only seen the wrong? The biological urge for sexual activity is the only instinctual thing about it, the "appropriate" and "inappropriate" ways to express it are entirely learned behavior. If his parents taught him the "inappropriate" behavior or taught him nothing, thus leaving him with only his instinctual need to express sexuality, then they share some responsibility in this situation as well.